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BIM & More Video Library

New at BIM & More?

Our videos are designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of our product. But also to give you a greater insight into what we do and how we think. Find out more about the benefits of BIM & More and the people behind it. Enjoy!

BIM & More at a glance

Get a clear overview of the comprehensive features of BIM & More. Find out what makes our product different from others on the market and how it helps to effectively connect fabricators, architects and other construction professionals.

BIM library management
BIM & More is the innovative solution for optimising the efficiency, speed and clarity of your design and construction projects. Discover the many benefits of our BIM library management solution.
BIM-Content Management
BIM Content Management for Digital Twins
Your key resource for the highest BIM quality through efficient BIM quality management for outstanding BIM models. Discover a new dimension in digital twin creation with our BIM Content Management.
CO2-Fußabdruck und Cradle to Cradle
CO2 footprint and Cradle-to-Cradle
EPEA GmbH, BIM & More's sustainability partner, follows the design principles of Cradle-to-Cradle and enables easy environmental assessment of buildings, construction systems, products and materials.
BIM-Common Data Environment (CDE)
BIM-Common Data Environment (CDE)
Discover a new dimension of the Common Data Environment with BIM & More and set new standards for data-driven decisions.
Berechnung Gebäude-Ökobilanz
Building Life Cycle Assessment calculation
With BIM & More, you can create Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) at the click of a button.
Bim product data provision
BIM & More makes collaboration between industry and designers so easy and so high quality.
BIM Feature Server
As the single point of contact for advanced feature and attribute management in the world of Building Information Modelling (BIM), BIM & More offers a unique range of functionality.

Industry Insights

As the digital transformation of the construction industry continues, so does the need to integrate BIM into the business strategies of all stakeholders. In our 'Industry Insights' video series, we explore the relevance of BIM for the business development of building materials manufacturers over the next 10 to 20 years.

Digitalisation among building materials and building products manufacturers
We asked three industry experts where their companies currently stand in terms of digitalisation.
BIM and business development in your company?
What role will BIM play in business development over the next 10 to 20 years in your company and in the building materials industry? Three industry experts share their views.
Digital transformation in the building materials industry
Where exactly do companies need to go fully digital? Industry experts give their views.
Towards full digitalisation of the building materials industry
The path to digitalisation has its challenges - especially in the building materials and building products industry. What are the biggest hurdles in building materials companies' digital strategy?
BIM for business development of building materials manufacturers
How do you see the importance of BIM for your company's future business development? What role will BIM play in business development over the next 10 to 20 years?
The digitalisation of the building materials industry presents manufacturers with complex challenges, particularly in terms of PIM (Product Data Management) and BIM (Building Information Modelling). But where is the greater leverage for companies? PIM or BIM?
The digital future of the building materials industry
In the digital transformation of the building materials industry, many companies are asking themselves: What has BIM already changed for their business?
Building materials manufacturers in the digital transition
Today, our industry experts share their views on the subject: How does BIM work for you as a building materials manufacturer in an ideal world?

Round About

Stay up to date on circular building design! In our 'Roundabout' series we look at how to achieve circularity in buildings, the new requirements for product data in the construction industry, why we need BIM in building design and much more.

Recycling in the construction industry
Why should manufacturers care about the circular economy? Dr Peter Moesle, Managing Director of EPEA GmbH - part of Drees & Sommer, explains it clearly and concisely.
thumbnail_Johannis Kreissig_DGNB
A sustainable future for the construction industry
Why is the property industry not prepared for the EU's circular economy requirements? Johannes Kreissig, a member of the board of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), delves into the world of sustainable building.
ESG regulation and new product data requirements for the construction industry
Pascal Keppler, environmental engineer and sustainability consultant at EPEA GmbH - part of Drees & Sommer, answers this question: When do manufacturers need to start thinking about sustainability regulations?
Digital transformation and the circular economy
How can BIM data help achieve sustainability goals in the construction industry? We get the answers from a recognised expert - Claudius Frank, Senior Product Manager at Madaster Germany.
BIM & More and shaping a sustainable and resource-efficient future
Why is the role of BIM & More so important? In BIM & More, EPEA has found the ideal partner to provide the design community with timely, high-quality and scientifically accurate information on complex sustainability issues. What else did Dr Peter Moesle, Managing Director of EPEA GmbH - part of Drees & Sommer, say?
BIM for circular building design
Why is the BIM method needed for the design of recyclable buildings? This is the question that Pascal Keppler, environmental engineer and sustainability consultant at EPEA GmbH - part of Drees & Sommer - is investigating.
The ideal collaboration between building material manufacturers and Madaster
What are the benefits for building material manufacturers to make their products BIM-ready and share this data with Madaster? Find out the answers with Claudius Frank, Senior Product Manager.
Measurability and optimisation
How can a circular economy be achieved in buildings? Pascal Keppler, environmental engineer and sustainability consultant at EPEA GmbH - part of Drees & Sommer, answers our questions. The expert sees two requirements that need to be met for circular construction to be successful.

The Inventors of BIM & More

Immerse yourself in the world of BIM & More through personal interviews with the people behind the product. Find out more about us, the challenges facing the construction industry and how BIM & More brings harmony to digitalisation.
Interview with BIM & More founder and CEO Matthias Uhl
How did the idea for BIM & More come about?
An interview with Patrick Theis, Partner at Drees & Sommer
Why does BIM & More fit into the Drees & Sommer portfolio?
An interview with Aleksandar Novakov, Chief Product Officer/Die Werkbank
What will the construction industry look like in 10 years' time?
An interview with Ivan Nikolov, Chief Technology Officer/Die Werkbank
What technological innovations will transform businesses in the coming years?
An interview with Vladimir Montenegro, Creative Director/Die Werkbank
What should the product say and what message should it convey?