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BIM tools for BIM designers and sustainability professionals

LCA calculation, BIM library management and BIM plug-ins for Archicad (versions 27, 26, 25) and Revit (versions 2024, 2023, 2022)

Our plans for your efficiency gains

Choose between the free BIM & More Orchestra plugin or the comprehensive BIM infrastructure BIM & More Metronome (BIM library management and BIM & More plugins) and unlock time-saving features that streamline your BIM workflows and increase the overall efficiency of your BIM projects.

The additional ability to calculate LCA and C2C parameters directly from your CAD systems is unique and outstanding. This means you can be sure in the early planning stages that your design is on the right track. An advantage for you - and for the environment. Put us to the test!

Take a look at the features and capabilities of BIM & More.

BIM & More Metronome

490,-/month (incl. 5 users)


  • yescheck All the features of BIM & More Orchestra plus...
  • yescheck Import your own BIM library content from Excel sheets with and without geometry into BIM library management and digital twins
  • yescheck Manual input of own BIM library content with and without geoemtrics in BIM library management and digital twins
  • yescheck Free editing and enrichment of BIM library content with and without geometry
  • yescheck Free LOI, LOG, LOD and LOIN Management for BIM library content with and without geometry
  • yescheck Developing and maintaining own central BIM libraries
  • yescheck Develop and maintain own BIM project libraries
  • yescheck Sync with existing libraries and templates
  • yescheck Calculation of the carbon footprint of the building construction (according to DGNB Framework 2023 | QNG plus | QNG premium)
  • yescheck Calculation of the carbon footprint of the building construction (according to DGNB Framework 2023 | QNG plus | QNG premium)
  • yescheck Calculation of life cycle primary energy balance (according to DGNB Framework 2023 | QNG plus | QNG premium)
  • yescheck Free trial for up to 2 months


Want to know more about the BIM tools from BIM & More?

Find our FAQs at a glance:

How many EPD datasets are available in the tool?

There are currently 525 materials, 43 building systems and 44 objects and complex systems stored in the BIM & More Metronome Cockpit (as of 23 November 2023) and the number is growing. These are generic datasets that provide an industry average, not product specific EPDs. By linking BIM & More Metronome, our software solution for architects & designers, with BIM & More Orchestra, our software solution for industry, more and more product specific EPDs will become available.

Are the German Ökobau.dat and the QNG calculation table 'Life cycle assessment - calculated values 2023' already integrated or available in BIM & More Metronome?

Our generic datasets are currently tailored specifically to three rating systems: DGNB 2023, QNG plus and QNG premium. Each dataset contains specific values for the DGNB system based on Ökobaudat and verified EPDs. On the other hand, there are QNG-specific values. These in turn are based on the table 'Life cycle assessment - calculated values'.

Do the datasets cover at least all the life cycle phases required by QNG, i.e. from A1-3, B4 and B6, C1-C2, C3-C4 to D1-2?

The datasets specifically cover the modules required by each system. For example, for QNG these are A1-A3, C3 and C4. B4 is calculated over the lifetime of the material and B6 is balanced over the specified energy consumption.

The following values are stored at material level: GWP Fossil (A1-A3) | GWP Total (A1-A3, C3, C4) | GWP total (QNG) | PENRT (A1-A3, C3, C4) | AP (A1-A3, C3, C4) | EP (A1-A3, C3, C4).

At the project level, a distinction is made between the life-cycle CO2 balance of the building, the CO2 balance of the building's production and the life-cycle primary energy balance, for each of which an absolute value, an annual area value and a percentage by which the CO2 balance could be reduced compared to the reference value are shown. 

Can the user enter EPD data (e.g. manufacturer's data)?

Yes, in addition to the pre-defined datasets, you can create your own datasets for materials, building systems, objects, etc. - generic or specific.

How does a potential profitability calculation work?

Cost data can be manually added to all elements. We are working with the Madaster platform to determine the residual material value after the building has been depreciated. An IFC file of the finished building model is currently uploaded to Madaster for this purpose. However, a direct connection is planned for 2024/Q1, which will make it even easier to exchange data.

Can system data for building services be imported via the VDI3805 (XML) interface?

The integration of cost group 400 according to DIN 276 is planned for 2024, taking into account VDI 3805.

What are the one-off purchase and annual maintenance costs for BIM & More Metronome?

BIM & More is a SaaS solution. This means there is no upfront purchase or other maintenance costs.  You purchase an annual licence which is renewed for 12 months at a time. The annual licence includes both purchase and maintenance.

Licence fees for companies with an annual turnover of up to €5 million start at €490 / 5 users (monthly payment) or €4,900 / 5 users (annual payment) and vary depending on your company's turnover. Please contact our sales team using the appropriate button above and we will send you a full licensing overview.

The scope of the software: What useful additional features may need to be purchased?

All software updates are included in the annual licence. The number of users can be increased by purchasing additional user packs (5 users per pack).

Additional services and consultancy can be booked. Please contact our sales team for more information.

Ease of use, intuitive operation, manual, help menu?

In developing BIM & More, we have taken great care to make it as user-friendly as possible. To this end, we have been and continue to be in regular dialogue with architectural firms and have integrated industry standard processes. We offer the following integrated features in our tool: 

• Wiki
• Helpdesk with ticketing system for technical & user issues

Support, software support from the BIM & More team?

All support requests are entered into our ticket system:

The elimination of malfunctions and failures of the platform, e.g. through troubleshooting, is included in the licence price (technical support).

Application support (e.g. user training) is not included in the monthly licence price. Application support services are subject to separate service level agreements.

Please contact our sales team.

What wizards are available for quick project creation?

Depending on requirements and agreement, we offer both an initial introductory workshop on the use of the tool and general project support. Based on your project requirements, an analysis can be conducted to develop appropriate strategies for efficiently integrating your existing BIM libraries into the BIM & More environment.

Can BIM & More Metronome also calculate operating energy according to DIN 18599? Is there or will there be an additional module for this?

No, the calculation of operating energy according to DIN18599 is not included in the scope of functions. However, separately calculated energy consumption can be included in the calculations.

How does variant management work?

Currently, different variants of a project can be opened and calculated separately.