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Civil Engineering

With BIM & More, civil and structural engineers will find endless opportunities to plan and execute their construction projects more effectively and clearly with BIM support

Discover the many benefits of our BIM solution:
Bibliotheken und Standards
Libraries and standards
Libraries and standards are imported into all BIM plans, and therefore all digital twins, in a quality-assured manner via the efficient central BIM library management system.
Optional LOI, LOG and LOIN Management for clear management and use of content in digital twins. This enables transparent import of attributes and properties into BIM models for specific projects, construction phases and use cases.
Berechnung Gebäude-Ökobilanz
Building Life Cycle Assessment calculation
Real-time calculation of LCA and C2C KPIs during the design process enables reliable statements on the ESG compliance of building plans at every design stage. Take advantage of this added value and complement your own service offering.
BIM & More as a central data repository or shared data environment for all your BIM designs. This is the starting point for your BIG DATA analysis and future AI algorithms. You will be designing with this data 10 years from now!

Advanced engineering with BIM & More

BIM & More helps engineers in the construction industry to perform their extensive BIM tasks professionally and efficiently. 

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