Ecological footprint at the touch of a button, right from the design stage: Die Werkbank IT GmbH and EPEA develop first BIM-based Building Circularity Passport®
The first BIM-based Building Circularity Passport®
What do BIM and classical music have in common?
What do Building Information Modelling (BIM) and classical music have in common? We say: quite a lot. Both are highly complex works that require the harmonious interaction of many individual players. Without a conductor, both orchestras and construction projects descend into chaos. BIM needs to be understandable so that everyone involved can speak the same language. This is why we have chosen the analogy of classical music for our brand communication. It is designed to help the company explain the importance of BIM to laypeople and professionals alike. Because: Our mission is to make BIM simpler and less complicated. BIM has to be understandable. This is how we want to bring more harmony to digitalisation!
Is the current pace of digital design right?
The current status quo in building design is like an out-of-tune orchestra: each musician plays when he or she wants. Instruments are missing or out of tune. Nothing is in sync. Yet building design is at the very beginning of the process chain leading to the finished building. It is the foundation. If things don't run smoothly here, the work can't be good in the end. We are now putting an end to this. We are making BIM easier for manufacturers and designers - more BIMtelligent.
Why is this step towards a new BIM now more important than ever?
From urbanisation to climate change, the property sector is facing huge changes. Issues such as mobility transition and sustainability are mammoth tasks. The challenges can only be met if building manufacturers and architects work in perfect harmony.
It's easy to play along with BIM & More Orchestra!
Like an orchestra, everything in the property sector has to work together. Instruments, deployment, resources. With our BIM & More Orchestra software solution, we at BIM & More are already synchronising the most important data in more than 20 countries so that they all play together perfectly. We have been working hard on this solution for years. In our BIM world, contractors and architects have the best choice of products from many manufacturers to make the best decision. What's more, the product data is always up-to-date and of high quality (usability and content), which architects and specifiers appreciate. We ensure that architects and specifiers, as the designers of real estate projects, have the full range of possibilities at their disposal. Architects have so:
- First, access to a wide range of quality products
- Secondly, architects and designers have all the latest product data and information at their fingertips.
- Thirdly, all parties involved have legal certainty with regard to their digital data.
These benefits of BIM & More Orchestra are important. After all, a construction project is like a composition.
BIM & More Orchestra empowers manufacturers in a new way.
- Firstly, our product enables manufacturers to make their product portfolio available digitally, BIM & legally compliant and future proof for CAD use by architects and designers.
- Secondly, BIM & More Orchestra enables manufacturers to quickly and seamlessly integrate their products into a PIM or ERP system.
- Thirdly, BIM & More allows manufacturers to easily communicate with architects and give them control over their data.
This means that manufacturers' products can be planned directly in the digital twin.
The first BIM-based Building Circularity Passport®
Together for the BIM revolution!
PIM-BIM Day in Stuttgart
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